Media Owner
Verein der Wiener Philharmoniker
Members of the Board of Directors (corporate representatives)
Chairman: Daniel Froschauer
Vice-Chairman: Alexander Steinberger
Managing Director: Michael Bladerer
Treasurer: Bernhard Hedenborg
Order Keeper: Andrea Goetsch
Ticket Manager: Benjamin Schmidinger
Official Registration
Federal Police Headquarters Vienna
Office for Association, Assembly and Media Law Matters
Schottenring 7-9
1010 Vienna, Austria
ZVR-Number: 916027886
VAT-ID: ATU37559904
Verein der Wiener Philharmoniker
Bösendorferstr. 12
1010 Vienna, Austria
Phone: +43 (1) 505 6525
Responsible according to Press Law
Members of the Board of Directors (corporate representatives)
The photos used on these pages are protected under copyright law. They may not be reproduced, duplicated or modified without prior consent by the author. Except from this ruling is the use of photos included in the press download area that may only be used in combination with a copyright note of the photographer’s name.
Concept, Design and Programming
MIR MEDIA ‒ Digital Agency
Note on gender-sensitive Notation
Due to the easier readability, a gender-specific differentiation may be omitted. The used terms therefore always apply to all genders in the sense of equal treatment. Irrespective of the content, it is assumed that all genders are considered equally important.