
for young people

Jugendkonzerte der Wiener Philharmoniker

phil_music for young people

The Vienna Philharmonic would like to invite young audiences to a 60-minute concert in a concert hall.

We have specially designed and tailored the concert to give young listeners the opportunity to be inspired by the Vienna Philharmonic and classical music. No prior knowledge necessary.

You will hear exciting excerpts from works from the core Philharmonic repertoire as well as from various other musical genres.

The musicians themselves will moderate the event and offer a unique, very approachable insight into their professional life and their passion!

© Andrea Huemer
Jugendkonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker

phil_music for young people

© Filip Waldmann
Schulkonzerte am 11. Februar 2025

Anmeldung für Februar 2025 (ausgebucht)

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