Opera Camps

at the Salzburg Festival

Opera Camps at the Salzburg Festival

In cooperation with the Salzburg Festival and the Salzburg Foundation of the American Austrian Foundation (AAF)

During the opera camps, music-loving children and teenagers aged 9 to 17 become immersed in the world of opera and spend a week at Arenberg Castle together with artists and experienced teaching professionals. Here they engage with material from great operas and conclude the week by performing their own interpretations of the works, assisted by members of the Vienna Philharmonic, in front of an audience.

The opera camps began in 2006 with the Magic Flute Camp. Since then, passwort:klassik has prepared more than 35 operas from different musical eras, such as Baroque, Classical, Romantique, Modern and Contemporary operas for the participants of the camps.

The experiences with musical theater and the interpersonal encounters that the camps provide represent a highlight of the children's summer vacation. This also lays the foundation for a love of musical theatre.

Conception and Lead: Hanne Muthspiel-Payer

Opera Camps 2024

Sunday, July 21 - Saturday, July 27, 2024

Opera Camp - Capriccio

Based on the Opera Capriccio by Richard Strauss

For young people from 13 to 16 years of age
Camp languages: German, English
Fees: € 515,- each (Siblings pay each € 495,-)

Public Performance:
Saturday, July 27, 4:00 PM
Universität Mozarteum - Max Schlereth Saal
Duration: approx. 50 minutes - Free admission - Distribution of free online-tickets starting on 6 July (no reservation possible)

‘A Conversation Piece for Music’ was the subtitle Richard Strauss gave to his final opera Capriccio, finished in 1941. A poet and a composer vie for the affections of the young, arts-loving Countess Madeleine, and soon get mired in a spat over two issues. Which is the greater art: poetry or musical composition? And what is more crucial in an opera: the words or the music? For Madeleine, settling on an answer proves just as challenging as choosing between her two suitors – and so in the end the decision is left to the audience. By playing in the orchestra, singing and acting on stage, the young participants will explore the libretto and music of Capriccio, seeking answers to the opera’s central question in their own performance.

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and guests:
Lara Kusztrich, Violin
Martin Klimek, Violin
Thomas Hajek, Viola
Bernadette Kehrer, Violoncello
Jedrzej Gorski, Double Bass
Sebastian Breit, Oboe
Kelton Koch, Trombone

passwort:klassik Team:
Daniela Ivanova, Conductor
Taro Morikawa, Director
Christoph Wigelbeyer, Choir Conductor
Simon Huber, Stage Design
Johann Zhao, Piano accompaniment
Tscho Theissing, Arrangements
Hanne Muthspiel-Payer, Project Management

For young people from 13 to 16 years of age
Sunday, July 28 - Saturday, August 3, 2024

Opera Camp - The Idiot

Based on the Opera The Idiot by Mieczysław Weinberg

For young people from 15 to 17 years of age
Camp languages: German, English
Fees: € 515,- each (Siblings pay each € 495,-)

Public Performance:
Saturday, August 3, 4:00 PM
Universität Mozarteum - Max Schlereth Saal
Duration: approx. 50 minutes - Free admission - Distribution of free online-tickets starting on 6 July (no reservation possible)

Mieczysław Weinberg’s four-act opera The Idiot, based on the novel of the same name by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, was written in 1986–7 but only premiered in its entirety in 2013. Prince Myshkin is trusting, honest and kind in his dealings with people, which provokes considerable confusion in a corrupt and deceitful society. Moreover, he is in love with two women and cannot decide between them. Despite not wanting to upset anybody, and even harbouring benevolent sentiments towards his rival Rogozhin, he is powerless to avert the impending tragedy. The young participants in the opera camp will become familiar with the Polish-Soviet composer’s richly textured music and engage with the opera’s contradictory and complex characters, developing their own take on the piece through involvement in the orchestra, chorus, stage design and production.

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and guests:
Luka Kusztrich, Violine
Matthias Schulz, Flute
Sebastian Sima, Oboe
Stefan Neubauer, Clarinet
Wolfgang Lintner, Horn

passwort:klassik Team:
Carolin Nordmeyer, Conductor
Harald Volker Sommer, Director
Julia Schwarzbach, Choreografier
Benedikt Gurtner, Choir Conductor
Johann Zhao, Piano accompaniment
Lex Hakker, Arrangements
Hanne Muthspiel-Payer, Project Management

For young people from 15 to 17 years of age
Monday, August 5 - Sunday, August 11, 2024

Opera Camp – Les Contes d’Hoffmann

Based on the Opera Les Contes d’ Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach

For young people from 9 to 12 years of age
Camp languages: German, English
Fees: € 515,- each (Siblings pay each € 495,-)

Public Performance:
Sunday, August 11, 4:00 PM
Universität Mozarteum - Max Schlereth Saal
Duration: approx. 50 minutes - Free admission - Distribution of free online-tickets starting on 6 July (no reservation possible)

In his ‘fantastical opera’, the composer Jacques Offenbach makes the writer E. T. A. Hoffmann his protagonist. The story begins with Hoffmann in a lovesick depression about the mercurial Stella, with whom he is infatuated. The poet’s heartache sets him off on a flight of imagination in which he envisions Stella in three tales, with a very different persona in each. When they embark on this strange and surreal adventure, the children in the opera camp will not only encounter the bewitching doll Olympia, the unhappy singer Antonia and the irresistible Giulietta, but also the mad physicist Spalanzani, the devious Dr Miracle and the diabolical Dapertutto, who is determined to steal Hoffmann’s soul. Through their playing and singing of Offenbach’s lively music, they will mount a spirited staging of this wildly kaleidoscopic opera.

Members of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and guests:
Martin Zalodek, Violin
Barnaba Poprawski, Viola
Jan Ryska, Violoncello
Wolfgang Plank, Oboe
Daniel Ottensamer, Clarinet

passwort:klassik Team:
Christoph Ehrenfellner, Conductor
Rahel Thiel, Director
Judith Philipp, Stage Desing
Veronika Lesjak, Choir Conductor
Stephanie Timoschek-Gumpinger, Piano accompaniment
Tscho Theissing, Arrangements
Hanne Muthspiel-Payer, Project Management

For children from 9 to 12 years of age
Häufige Fragen

Häufige Fragen zu den Operncamps

  • Wie sind die Operncamps gestaltet?

    Pro Sommer finden drei bis vier verschiedene, einwöchige Operncamps statt, wobei jedes auf eine spezifische Altersgruppe ausgerichtet ist und eine andere Oper zum Thema hat. Die Teilnehmerinnen und das gesamte Team wohnen während der Woche in Schloss Arenberg, wo auch die Proben stattfinden.

  • Welche Voraussetzungen gelten für die Teilnahme?

    Es gibt kein Aufnahmeverfahren, die Beherrschung eines Instrumentes, die Freude am Singen oder an einer anderen künstlerischen Tätigkeit sind jedoch Voraussetzung. Aufgrund des großen Interesses können nicht immer alle Anmeldungen berücksichtigt werden.

  • Wie ist die Unterrichtssprache?

    Die TeilnehmerInnen sind international, die Unterrichtssprachen sind Deutsch und Englisch.

  • Wie sieht der Tagesablauf bei einem Operncamp in etwa aus?

    Vormittags und nachmittags finden parallel diverse Workshops und Proben statt, die von den TeilnehmerInnen wechselweise besucht werden. Die Mahlzeiten werden gemeinsam eingenommen, das abwechslungsreiche Abendprogramm besteht aus Spiel und Sport. Die Unterbringung ist in 2- bis 4-Bettzimmern.

  • Erhält mein Kind auch Einzelunterricht am Instrument?

    Die InstrumentalistInnen erhalten im Vorhinein Noten zum Üben, das Camp-Orchester wird von erfahrenen Dirigenten geleitet und von Mitgliedern der Wiener Philharmoniker unterstützt. Das gemeinsame Musizieren steht im Vordergrund, Einzelunterricht findet nicht statt.

  • Wie ist das Operncamp-Team zusammengesetzt?

    Es besteht aus dem künstlerisch-pädagogischen Team und dem Betreuer-Team, das sich um die TeilnehmerInnen während der Freizeit kümmert und Ansprechpartner für kleine und große Sorgen ist.

  • Wie viel kostet ein Operncamp?

    Kosten: € 515,- pro Person (Geschwister ab dem 2. Kind je € 495,-)

  • Werden Stipendien vergeben und was muss dafür eingereicht werden?

    Die Vergabe von Stipendien ist möglich, Grundlage ist der letzte Einkommenssteuerbescheid.

  • Wie lauten die Stornobedingungen?

    Im Falle einer Abmeldung wird die volle Teilnahmegebühr einbehalten, es sei denn, der Platz kann über die Warteliste nachbesetzt werden. In diesem Fall wird die Teilnahmegebühr bis auf eine Kommissionsgebühr von 20% zurückerstattet. Für den Weiterverkauf des Camp-Platzes übernehmen passwort:klassik und die Salzburger Festspiele keine Garantie.

Impressions 2024

OPERNCAMP – CAPRICCIO zur Oper Capriccio von Richard Strauss
für Jugendliche von 13 bis 16 Jahren

Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli
Operncamp – Capriccio 拡大 Operncamp – Capriccio © Marco Borelli

OPERNCAMP – DER IDIOT zur Oper Der Idiot von Mieczysław Weinberg
für Jugendliche von 15 bis 17 Jahren

拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Der Idiot © Marco Borelli

OPERNCAMP – HOFFMANNS ERZÄHLUNGEN zur Oper Les Contes d’ Hoffmann von Jacques Offenbach für Kinder von 9 bis 12 Jahren

拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli
拡大 Operncamp – Hoffmanns Erzählungen © Marco Borelli

Impressions 2023

JEDERMANN-CAMP about the play Jedermann by Hugo von Hofmannsthal for young people from 10 to 16 years of age

FIGARO-CAMP about the opera Le Nozze di Figaro by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for young people from 15 to 17 years of age

ORFEO-CAMP about the opera Orfeo ed Euridice by Christoph Willibald Gluck for children & young people from 9 to 12 years of age

FALSTAFF-CAMP about the opera Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi for young people from 13 to 16 years of age

Impressions 2022

Everyman Camp about the play Everyman by Hugo von Hofmannsthal for young people from 10 to 15 years of age

Magic Flute Camp about the musical play The Magic Flute by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for children from 9 to 12 years of age

Kát'a Kabanová-Camp about the opera Kát'a Kabanová by Leoš Janáček for young people from 15 to 17 years of age

Aida Camp about the opera Aida by Giuseppe Verdi for young people from 13 to 16 years of age

Impressions 2021

  • Jedermann-Camp about the play Jedermann by Hugo von Hofmannsthal for young people from 10 to 15 years of age
  • Così fan tutte-Camp about the opera Così fan tutte by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart for young people from 13 to 16 years of age
  • Intolleranza-Camp about the opera Intolleranza 1960 by Luigi Nono for young people from 15 to 18 years of age
  • Tosca-Camp about the opera Tosca by Giacomo Puccini for young people from 9 to 12 years of age
© Birgit Probst

Impressions 2019

  • Medea-Camp about the opera Médée by Luigi Cherubini for young people from 13 to 15 years of age
  • Orpheus-Camp about the opera Orphée by Jaques Offenbach for young people from 9 to 12 years of age
  • Ödipus-Camp about the opera Oper Oedipe by George Enescu for young people from 15 to 18 years of age
© Marco Borelli